Displaying the most recent of 742 posts written by


Personal anthology: Anne Carson

Bane’s adaptation of the newly-discovered Sappho poem (and her earlier post about translating Horace’s Soracte ode) has made me think about both classical Greek and Latin poetry and the practice of free translation.* While thinking, I remembered Anne Carson’s adaptation of Catullus 50 in Men in the Off Hours: Hesterno Licini Die Otiosi (Yesterday Licinius […]

Pottering around

Department of "Reading list decisions destined to interfere with each other": 1. I decided to catch up on my reading of all the Harry Potter books (I stopped after volume 2, fell out of sync with everyone else on the planet, and am now thinking that I want to catch up, but not to read […]

Saturday opera blogging redux

I haven’t been very communicative lately, not just here but with everyone.  Between the exhausting heat (we had several days during which going outside was like stepping directly into a furnace), the gloom about current affairs that’s been seeping into so many of the conversations I’ve been in lately, and the way it’s finally starting […]

This kind of thing is why I’m fascinated by classification

There is, however, a whole universe of easily overlooked and forgotten things that remain unclassified. Once noticed, these Very Small Objects seem to exist in every niche and corner in staggering numbers and varieties. We encounter these objects every day hidden in plain sight. They fill our pockets, cabinets, and corners. They populate our environments […]

Blog at your own risk

Like a whole bunch of others, I found this Chronicle article ("Bloggers Need Not Apply," by "Ivan Tribble," 7/8/05) … puzzling, at best. Professor Tribble, who’s served on a search committee that didn’t hire several blogging candidates, wonders why anyone applying for an academic position would keep a blog: The pertinent question for bloggers is […]


I try to imagine someone who understands, at a gut level, that there are people, innocent people, innocent in the worst way, that sleepy innocence of going to work, down into the station with your child’s hand in yours, or leaving the end of a shift, or standing up from your desk and stretching, thinking […]


Watching the "If, as you live your life, you find yourself mentally composing blog entries about it…" meme spreading, I find myself with the thought: someone should devise a way of automatically tracking blog-memes and visualizing the results. Between Technorati, del.icio.us, and Bloglines, there ought to be a way to extract the information, no? I’m […]

Query to fellow postacademics

That little inner voice that whispers "You’ll never be smart enough, well-read enough, or knowledgeable enough to succeed at anything," that voice that I got to know extremely well as a graduate student — does that ever completely go away once you’ve left the academic track? Or does it just keep coming back to make […]

MIT weblog survey

(What I want to know is, why isn’t "Because I like to write" one of the choices for the section of the survey where you check off reasons why you blog? And like Lynn, I wish MIT knew about culture blogs. But if the current set of survey results are any indication, the infamous and […]

ALA swag report

Things brought back from Chicago, a partial list: Beaded good-luck charm from vendor of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean books Posters from Casalini Libri and NYRB Classics Two NYRB Classics books: Selected Poems of Osip Mandelstam and a book on the bog people in Denmark Two back issues of Poetry, plus a Poetry Foundation magnet and […]