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I r srs librarian. This r serious site. (A meta-post)

Those of you who are still subscribed to my RSS feed have, I’m sure, noticed a lack of bloggage here lately. Something about moving to a Domain of My Own, and putting it next to my professional portfolio, has made me slightly paranoid about writing anything in this space that might make me look unprofessional. […]

She refused to be bored, chiefly because she wasn’t boring.

The other day I came across a blog post by Russell M. Davies* on “How to be interesting.” It’s written for people in the business world, but it could apply to anyone, really. I entirely agree with him that it’s hard to be interesting if you’re bored with everything: The way to be interesting is […]

New location!

Hello to everyone who used to read this blog at Typepad! I’ll be posting here from now on.

State of the blog: a meta post

So you've probably noticed I haven't been posting much lately. There's no specific reason for that, really; I just haven't felt like I have as much to say, somehow, which kind of bothers me. Something about having shifted from still-learning mode to full-time job mode, or possibly it's because a lot of my linkblogging and […]

2008 in review

The year through my blog archives: January: I attend the ALA Midwinter conference, get interested in network theory, enjoy some terrific theater in New York, and kick off the search for my first post-MSLIS library job. February: A conference paper proposal I submitted gets accepted. I think about print culture, and take a really fun […]

Meeting of the bloggers

Fellow Philadelphian Jeannette (of Moot Thoughts & Musings) beat me to the punch posting about our blogger meet-up yesterday, and has a better description of it than the one I was planning. A good time was had by all, and (as she says) we turned out to have an unexpected and kind of obscure research […]

Referrer spam?

Question for fellow Typepad users (or fellow bloggers more generally): Lately half my referrer stats have been coming from the same Google Image search. Even after I deactivated the link that the search led to, the hits just kept coming. Is this a new form of spam, or what? It’s not as obnoxious as comment […]

A shout-out

So last week, apropos of a discussion about the uses of blogs in a library setting, I mentioned the existence of this blog to a group of work colleagues, some of whom have since stopped by for a visit. Hello and welcome to my scratchpad, all of you! Hope you enjoy. It feels a bit […]

Blog at your own risk

Like a whole bunch of others, I found this Chronicle article ("Bloggers Need Not Apply," by "Ivan Tribble," 7/8/05) … puzzling, at best. Professor Tribble, who’s served on a search committee that didn’t hire several blogging candidates, wonders why anyone applying for an academic position would keep a blog: The pertinent question for bloggers is […]

Writer’s block

I can’t think of a single thing to say. How lame is that? I want to write something about folksonomies. There are thoughts in my head, but they won’t coalesce into anything postable. (Maybe later.) I would write about the wonder that is Lorraine Hunt Lieberson’s voice, but there aren’t the words for it. I […]