The pre-1800 women writers meme

Bardiac has started a Really dead women writers meme, aiming to put some pre-1800 women writers into an already-circulating list, and I can’t resist. Here’s her description:

I’ll put in five women writers. If you’re interested, pick up the list,
add five more of your favorites, and drop me a line at Bardiacblogger
at yahoo dot com to check your site. With even a few contributors,
we’ll get a great meme with fewer of my idiosyncracies than if I do it
myself. (And yes, it will probably end up Euro-centered, but I’d love
to learn more about non-Euro earlier women writers, too, so add them
in, please!)

Here’s Bardiac’s list:

Behn, Aphra – Oroonoko
Christine de Pisan (aka Pizan) – The Book of the City of Ladies
Julian of Norwich – Revelations of Divine Love
Locke, Anne (aka Ane Lok, etc) – A Meditation of a Penitent Sinner
Marie de France – The Lais of Marie de France

And here are my contributions:

Bradstreet, Anne: collected poems
Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz: Fama y obras póstumas
Kempe, Margery: The Book of Margery Kempe
Lanyer, Aemilia: Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum
Wroth, Lady Mary: Urania

(The ones in bold are the ones I’ve read. Also kind of Eurocentric, but Anne Bradstreet and Sor Juana at least lived across the Atlantic.)

3 Responses to “The pre-1800 women writers meme”

  1. Hi Amanda,
    I just finished adding a few of my own entries to the list – also, I happened to notice that among the books in your library over to the right, you have a Patrick O’Brien book (“The Surgeon’s Mate” – a great one)! Have you read the Aubrey-Maturin series? I just finished reading them for the second time…

  2. Bardiac says:

    Hi Amanda,
    Thanks for contributing to the meme! I’m starting to put things together to post a fuller version.

  3. Amanda says:

    And MW, I’m partway through the Aubrey-Maturin series — I’ve been reading them in a lazily on-again, off-again manner. I stopped at around “The Surgeon’s Mate” a while back, then restarted from the beginning a year or two ago.