YouTube, home of the opera people

I don’t care how many "skinny guys with moppy hair" sharing "short, loud adolescent messages" there are on YouTube. I won’t hear a word against it if it means getting to see Natalie Dessay singing Monteverdi. (Mille grazie, Sarah! And what a voice!)

And look at Tatiana Troyanos singing Strauss, Marilyn Horne and Joan Sutherland singing Bellini, and Maria Callas singing Puccini and more Bellini. Oh my. Nope, not complaining about the moppy-haired youths at all.

One Response to “YouTube, home of the opera people”

  1. Florence says:

    I would like it better if the videos didnt freeze so often, but, yes, they are great. I especially love the norma duet, Horne and Sutherland are so young looking, and what interesting outfits…All hail La Cieca, i suppose.