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BORC, moving edition

And after this I will post about something other than the minutiae of moving, I promise. On to the Bullets of Random Crap (TM): I officially have an apartment in Philadelphia! The lease starts in mid-August. It’s quite small, but prettier than all the others I looked at, in a nice converted townhouse in a […]

Be prepared

I’m taking a break from packing and paper-sorting to say: I forget where I read that, when moving, one should always pack an "unpack me first" box, but it’s a brilliant piece of advice. Because I can already tell that when I finally move into the new apartment in mid-August, I’m going to be so […]

On a high note

My last day at work isn’t till next week, but yesterday I worked my last couple of reference desk shifts. At the end of the last one, a visiting student came to the desk with a question about a checked-out book she wanted to consult. She wasn’t going to have time to recall it, and […]

Clever relocation hacks

How on earth did people manage to move to new cities before the internet? Somehow, of course, they did. But, as is the case with a lot of other things that are much easier with access to e-mail and the web, it’s hard to imagine. At any rate, one of the perks of moving to […]

Tasks accomplished since Saturday morning

Farmers’ market: visited.Flowers, tomatoes, and greens: acquired.Plastic covers for moving my mattress and box spring: found.Short-sleeved lacy sweater to wear to friend’s wedding in July: acquired (on sale, yay). Laundry: done and put away.Intractable pile of paper clutter: tackled, wrestled into submission, sorted into "file" and "throw out," eliminated.Bathtub: cleaned. (Bath: taken.)Lower half of refrigerator: […]

Sunday miscellany

Hello? Anyone out there? It’s been awfully quiet around here of late. Though if my own blogger’s block is any indication, this is the time of year for minimal posting, minimal commenting, and vacations. In assorted Bullets of Random Crap news: Up next on my reading list: Alison Bechdel‘s new graphic novel Fun Home (which […]

Still here

I’m still here, in case any of you were wondering. Life (specifically, where I’m going to be next year) is still uncertain, and I’d rather not post about it until things are a lot less up in the air. And plans for next year constitute a lot of what’s been on my mind; hence, fewer […]

New Year’s resolution

I didn’t see this New York Times op-ed ("Don’t Think Twice, It’s All Right", 12/29/05, by UVa psychology professor Timothy Wilson) until I spotted a mention of it in one of our local papers. I’m not completely sold on the idea that thinking too much is a bad thing, though I have to say I’d […]

What are you doing New Year’s, New Year’s Eve?

(Cue Ella Fitzgerald singing in the background.) I’m back from my travels just in time for New Year’s Eve; later today I’m heading downtown for First Night Virginia. Regular posting will resume forthwith. Sarah has tagged me with the most intriguing meme I’ve seen in a while, I’ve got a "capsule reviews of everything seen […]

Going, going…

Apologies for the lack of posts. I’ve been in the midst of the end-of-term, pre-holiday frenzy, with too many things to finish all at once: work projects, knitting projects, packing, finding presents for hard-to-shop-for uncles, et cetera. I’m about to go into offline winter-vacation mode for the next week or so; in the meantime, why […]