Tasks accomplished since Saturday morning

Farmers’ market: visited.
Flowers, tomatoes, and greens: acquired.
Plastic covers for moving my mattress and box spring: found.
Short-sleeved lacy sweater to wear to friend’s wedding in July: acquired (on sale, yay).

Laundry: done and put away.
Intractable pile of paper clutter: tackled, wrestled into submission, sorted into "file" and "throw out," eliminated.
Bathtub: cleaned.
(Bath: taken.)
Lower half of refrigerator: also cleaned.
Assorted groceries: acquired.
Several more boxes of books: packed.
Beef stew with cinnamon: made, with leftovers.
Trash: taken out.
Dishes: done.
Nine zillion apartment listings: looked at.

Possible Philadelphia part-time job #1:
applied for.
Two extra-sturdy book boxes: found.

Current status: oof.

3 Responses to “Tasks accomplished since Saturday morning”

  1. dale says:

    Whee! I missed the news below, somehow. That’s terrific!
    I don’t dare go near my intractable paper clutter. I know it would win the match,

  2. Amanda says:

    I think I finally tackled the paper heap out of sheer irritation. It had been taunting me for far too long.
    And it’s not on your side of the country, alas, but yes, I’m very happy about the new destination!

  3. Clancy says:

    I love that to-do list format. Maybe I’ll start doing mine that way. I’ve been a weird wifey-wife since Jonathan and I moved in together. Every night I make myself a to-do list, and I make Jonathan one, and we make a list of what we’re going to cook and eat the next day. The lists are labeled “Clancy,” “Jonathan,” and “Menu.”