Be prepared

I’m taking a break from packing and paper-sorting to say: I forget where I read that, when moving, one should always pack an "unpack me first" box, but it’s a brilliant piece of advice. Because I can already tell that when I finally move into the new apartment in mid-August, I’m going to be so worn out that it’ll be an immense relief to have to open only one box for the immediate necessities of life. Right now, my Unpack First box contains:

  • washcloth and towel
  • clean T-shirt
  • soap
  • bubble bath from Lush (for morale)
  • travel mug
  • toilet paper
  • spare Brita filter (we’ll see if I can cram the pitcher in there too)
  • set of sheets
  • assortment of favorite postcards to prop up here and there to make the place look more like home
  • kitchen sponges
  • Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, my summertime re-read
  • trash bags
  • rubber band ball

Future additions: shower curtain, alarm clock, bathrobe, coffee filters. I feel like a Boy Scout (or rather, a Girl Scout) — actually, I’m really wishing I had been a Girl Scout. Once my furniture’s been loaded into its moving-and-storage pods, I’m going to secure it by tying it down, and I’ve just realized I know next to nothing about tying any knots more sophisticated than your basic shoelace knot. Thank heavens for the internet, where there’s an animated tutorial for everything. I think a fisherman’s bend should probably suffice.

And now I really should be packing…

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