Displaying the most recent of 742 posts written by


Backstage at the Academy

Huzzah! The Academy of Music is having an open house tomorrow. Apparently they’re going to let people wander around the set of Porgy and Bess. (Note to self: I really need a digital camera.) If there’s time to go, I’ll post about it. Later: The open house was indeed fun, though I was in something […]

Winter blahs and everyday information seeking

This has been a week of tiredness and too many layers of clothing and that nagging "am I coming down with a cold?" feeling, combined with mild panic over the fact that within the next five weeks, I have to plow through a big stack of readings, write a grant proposal, and put together a […]

Whining about the weather. Nothing to see, move it along.

You know that Jack London short story about the guy trekking through the Yukon in the dead of winter? And the temperature’s considerably colder than 50 below, and he’s got a beard of ice hanging from his face, and his attempts at starting a fire fail because he’s rapidly losing all feeling in his hands? […]

Meeting of the bloggers

Fellow Philadelphian Jeannette (of Moot Thoughts & Musings) beat me to the punch posting about our blogger meet-up yesterday, and has a better description of it than the one I was planning. A good time was had by all, and (as she says) we turned out to have an unexpected and kind of obscure research […]

Which science fiction writer are you?

Well, this is encouraging: I am: James Tiptree, Jr. (Alice B. Sheldon) In the 1970s she was perhaps the most memorable, and one of the most popular, short story writers.  Her real life was as fantastic as her fiction. Which science fiction writer are you? I suspect that a big factor in my getting this […]

We love Bellini

[One more post, and then I’m going to bed. Must…keep…reasonable…hours…] The Opera Company of Philadelphia just announced its ’07-’08 season, and I did a little happy dance when I saw that they’re doing Bellini’s Norma in the spring. I’ll certainly go see Rigoletto in October, and maybe the other two as well (Hansel and Gretel […]

Reveling in geekiness

In class tonight we all had to bring in a couple of reference books. Most of us grabbed whatever we could find at home, though a few of us found reference books that could be checked out of the library. (I brought in 201 Italian Verbs, the MLA Handbook, and the Gramophone Opera Good CD […]

del.icio.us link of the week

It’s not just that it’s a low-environmental-impact house built out of scrap materials on a shoestring budget, or that salvaged tree-limbs feature prominently on the inside. Or that it’s in a lovely rural spot in Wales. No, what really made me squeak with delight when I found the Low-Impact Woodland House on del.icio.us is this: […]

Quick Zotero review

I’ve been planning a post on Zotero for ages. Today I was using it to speed up part of a work project and remembered several things I wanted to say about it. So here are some thoughts about why I like it so much. Zotero is a citation-management tool, like RefWorks or EndNote. It’s a […]

Culinary successes of this weekend

Friday night: Gratin de Chou-fleur (cauliflower gratin) a la Chocolate and Zucchini. It turned out beautifully (though, note to self: try and find a bigger cauliflower next time, and use more salt). It was also my first time making a roux, which led to my first ever béchamel sauce. I’m now eating the last of […]