Displaying the most recent of 742 posts written by


More on poetry and quotation (or, One-hit wonders of the literary canon)

So I was thinking about quotation a few months ago, and then yesterday morning I was working on a reference question about a very, very obscure Victorian poet. (So obscure he doesn’t even get a mention in the Dictionary of Literary Biography, and only a handful of libraries on this side of the Atlantic own […]

Il tarocco dell’opera

At various points, I've had friends who did Tarot readings, and who could occasionally be prevailed upon to read my cards. I've always found the Tarot iconography interesting to think about, even though I'm a terribly amateurish reader myself. Last year I was amused to come across both a Knitting Tarot deck and an Edward […]

Dickensian U.

It seems like there’s been a cavalcade of bad news about Hard Times in Academia lately. The grim story about the University of Tennessee adjuncts that I blogged about last month was just the beginning. In just the last few days, I’ve run across articles on: an AFT study showing how heavily colleges and universities […]

In which this blog takes a personality test

Via Academic Cog and New Kid on the Hallway, the Typealyzer: a site that analyzes your blog's Myers-Briggs personality type. In my case, it wasn't far off. Every time I've taken the Myers-Briggs test, I've scored as either an INTP or, on a couple of occasions, INTJ. The Typealyzer thinks my blog is a bit […]

Knitting bleg: Help me choose my next project

It's getting rapidly colder up here in New England, and with corresponding rapidity I'm learning where the cold spots are in my apartment (the front door leaks heat like a leaky thing) and in my office. My plan for dealing with the cold involves weatherstripping, long underwear, a space heater for the office, and, of […]

Adjuncting in the tar pits

[Update: Greetings to everyone visiting from How the University Works, and thanks to Marc Bousquet for the link. If you’re new to my blog, you might want to check out the “Academia” category archives.] Via Timothy Burke comes a thoroughly depressing story from Inside Higher Ed on adjunct pay in the Tennessee state college and […]

A little childhood-book nostalgia on a rainy November afternoon

For those of you who grew up reading John Bellairs' eerie yet oddly cozy YA novels, in which young heroes and heroines face supernatural terrors amid the Victorian houses in their quiet Midwestern towns, I highly recommend Bellairsia, a fairly comprehensive Bellairs bibliography and biography site. I especially like the map portion of the site […]

The joy of titling

Ever since I first heard it used, I’ve loved the term “dark archive,” which means an archive that’s off-limits to the public. Like a lot of intriguing phrases I’ve come across, “dark archive” has a spot on my list of Titles I Intend to Use Someday if I Ever Write That Book of Poems.* I […]

Prop 8 and the country-club model of marriage

I've been debating whether to post anything about the passage of California's Proposition 8, the infamous "Hey, newly married gay couples? Guess what! We just revoked your legal spousal rights!" proposition. Much of what I want to say has been said elsewhere, and I'm starting to get tired of all political posts, all the time. […]

The day after the election

I'm still stunned, and mostly speechless, about the election results. For the first time in my life, the candidate I voted for won.* Which is a good feeling, but it pales in comparison to the sense of having helped make history. Tomorrow I'll get back to fretting about the enormity of the job that President-Elect […]