And one more thing…

…before they kick me out of this nice computer lab that’s closing in 30 minutes. In all the excitement of moving to Charlottesville, I missed the ritual anniversary post. But it’s already been just over a year since I started the old version of this blog. Who’d’ve thought it?

Everything has been happening a lot faster than I thought it would, and turning out better than I expected. Fate is a strange and wonderful thing.

6 Responses to “And one more thing…”

  1. Michelle says:

    I’m so glad for you!

  2. Happy anniversary!
    Oddly enough, I started writing my blog again (the old one) almost exactly a year after I started blogging.

  3. Rana says:

    Hey, congrats! I missed my own blogversary too — better late than never!

  4. Frolic says:

    Congrats! Here’s to many more years of blogging.

  5. cindy says:

    I missed mine, too. So, belated congrats to all of us!!

  6. Harrison says:

    Seems we all started blogging around the same time. Happy anniversary to all!