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So, this big news from Google…

…which, by now, has made the rounds of the library blogs, as well as some of the scholarly ones, so I feel redundant commenting on it, as well as still rather amateurish compared to lots of the other people who’ve done so already. However, I will say that it’s not every morning that you start […]

Hello world!

Earlier I mentioned the week-long class on XML I’ve been taking. Today, after a couple of days’ worth of markup-language history, practice DTD-deciphering, parsing, validating, XML file-building, and the like, we moved into XSLT. The first thing we all did was to make a stylesheet that turned an XML document into a bare-bones HTML page […]

Blogger + Firefox = gibberish?

Every time I try to read blogs hosted at Blogspot — particularly when I try to read archived posts — they turn into gibberish, like this: HlholastTn:"Pihrepox;mn">x>kss 19P, ems.comy has sfkLas0px8px;ma"’rA byosss trrisin:S8pxusesedilh"’3ick of the University of hpobe2%;a"ht>h"’3ning:0px;mar the way I can /un"30poading nlabrbetosn1ke-H&e1;a"htn:n e1eumueshe s skep:medlH tha hrUnivers Reloading the page solves the problem, […]