Hello world!

Earlier I mentioned the week-long class on XML I’ve been taking. Today, after a couple of days’ worth of markup-language history, practice DTD-deciphering, parsing, validating, XML file-building, and the like, we moved into XSLT. The first thing we all did was to make a stylesheet that turned an XML document into a bare-bones HTML page with the classic newbie-programmer declaration "Hello world!" This made me happy, but not as happy as I was later on when I got the xsl:sort element to work. Tomorrow we may well be writing a "Hello world!" script in Perl. Fabulosity.

Ladies and gentlemen, say hello to Amanda’s Inner Markup Geek. Humanities geekdom just wasn’t enough, it turns out.

One Response to “Hello world!”

  1. Michelle says:

    You’ll be in good shape if and when you decide to follow the blog trail to independency. I, myself, have decided to make the a switch post MA project.