Displaying the most recent of 742 posts written by


The 21st century version of the fireside chat

One more reason why Barack Obama should run for president someday: He now has a podcast. What a great idea. (In other news: Finally upgraded to a paid LibraryThing account. The catalog is now at 276 books and climbing rapidly. My word, but I’m tired.)

Ahoy, me hearties!

Yarrrr! Happy Talk Like A Pirate Day, mateys! (On a related note, a friend reminds me that Talk Like A Pirate Day marks the end of Pastafarian Holy Week. All hail the Flying Spaghetti Monster!)

Anecdote recounted in lieu of getting real writing done

It’s a Saturday afternoon and I’m sitting at my office desk working on this article I’ve been writing.* (I can’t seem to make myself work on it at home, and if I need to track down a citation at the last minute, the stacks are a five-second walk away — one of the many advantages […]

What she said

If we can remember this, remember that the "family" and the "village" are not mutually exclusive, that my rights and yours do not need to cancel each other out, that the interests of mothers and children are not at odds, then I think we will become a better society. I hope that as the arc […]

Cataloging frenzy

I’ve been on a news-and-blogging break for the past few days. Too much bad news, too many sources of futile teeth-gnashing. But today was a surprisingly good day, and I’m joining in the chorus of voices currently singing the praises of LibraryThing, which lets you catalog your own book collection. I signed up today, and […]

On a somewhat more cheerful note…

According to Making Light, the Society for Creative Anachronism is organizing its own relief efforts. As one commenter puts it, "We are weirdo geeks, but we are very skilled resourceful geeks." Blessed are the geeks.

On not being an island

Who casts not up his eye to the sun when it rises? but who takes off his eye from a comet when that breaks out? Who bends not his ear to any bell which upon any occasion rings? but who can remove it from that bell which is passing a piece of himself out of […]

Blog for Relief Day

Terry Teachout and Our Girl in Chicago have amassed a huge number of information related to Hurricane Katrina over at About Last Night. Meanwhile, I’m a late entrant in the Blog for Relief Day effort, but the need isn’t going away any time soon. More information about Blog for Relief Day can be found at […]

This too shall pass. I hope.

Rana puts her finger on the jittery anxiety that’s been in the air this week. It’s not just Hurricane Katrina, the unnerving reports about bird flu, the price of gas and the thought of how people are going to cope with it, the surreality of most of the news out of Washington; it’s everything all […]


Sarah Waters has a new book coming out! And there was much rejoicing.