Trying to revive this blog, a bit.

Somehow I managed not to post anything here for two months. Partly I've just been busy; partly it's been a rocky couple of months. Nothing dire, I hasten to add, but there's been illness and death in my family, and personal angst of the mundane and unbloggable kind, and all that combined with what's seemed like an interminably cold, gray, rainy winter — not to mention the ever-sourer national mood, which seeps into everything, much like the miserable weather — has added up to a general grimness about the mouth and a damp, drizzly November in the soul. Which hasn't exactly been blog fodder.

But at least some of that has been changing: the sun is out, at last, and my favorite cherry tree on campus burst into full bloom this week. I went by it with my camera this afternoon, because the flowering won't last much longer. So here, by way of starting up the posting again, are some pictures. There'll be some words too, in a little while.

Yoshino cherry tree in bloom

Yoshino cherry tree in bloom

Yoshino cherry tree in bloom

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