A meme for Friday

Via Professor Dyke: Post three of your…

Pet Peeves:
1) Double doors with one door locked for no apparent reason. (Why? Why? Why?)
2) The mixture of fear and disdain with which some people regard public transportation.
3) Microsoft frelling Word. AAAAARGH. (Insert stream of curses here.)

Favorite Sounds:
1) An orchestra tuning up before a concert.
2) The ocean from far away, when you have to concentrate to hear the sound of the waves breaking.
3) Rain on the roof at night.

Favorite Flavors of Candy:
1) York Peppermint Patties.
2) See’s truffles, the fruit- and coffee-flavored ones.
3) My grandmother’s maple fudge.

Biggest Fears:
1) That I’ll never have another girlfriend and die all alone and be found half-eaten by my cats.
2) That overuse of antibiotics will give rise to mutant super-bacteria and start an apocalyptic plague.
3) Being boring.

Biggest Challenges:
1) Not succumbing to the demons of Inertia, Procrastination, Despondency, and Sloth.
2) Following through on what I start.
3) Not giving out the impression that I don’t like people when in fact I’m just rather reserved.

Favorite Department Stores:
1) Target
2) Marshall Field’s
3) um…I don’t really go to department stores all that often, as you can probably tell.

Most Used Words:
1) Actually…
2) Dude.
3) Bloody hell!

Favorite Pizza Toppings:
1) Mushrooms
2) Barbecued chicken
3) Roasted garlic

Favorite Cartoon Characters:
1) Velma from Scooby-Doo (an early role model)
2) Marvin the Martian
3) The entire cast of Dykes to Watch Out For

Movies Recently Watched:
1) Hero
2) The Spiral Staircase (the 1946 version, not the remake)
3) Bright Young Things

Favorite Fruits:
1) Green figs
2) Raspberries
3) Mangoes

Favorite Vegetables:
1) Ripe tomatoes
2) Broccoli rabe
3) Mustard greens

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