Wikipedia classified and silly TNT movies

[This is something of a test post, because there was a bit of Typepad weirdness last night. Anyone else try to post and then get prevented from editing?]

Do you use Wikipedia? Did you know you can look at Wikipedia content organized by Library of Congress classification? Complete with subclasses. I think that’s kinda nifty, though it would be still more interesting if they did the same thing for Dewey.

(Speaking of which, I watched TNT’s rather cheesy The Librarian: Quest for the Spear, and the one part that gave me a genuine chuckle was Noah Wyle’s character’s list of his qualifications at his job interview, beginning with "I know the Library of Congress and Dewey decimal classification systems" and ending with "I could set up an RSS feed!" The mention of RSS feeds made me happy. But in the main, I was disappointed by the fact that the Librarian, who in the promos had been made to sound like a cross between Indiana Jones and Rupert Giles, turned out to be all low-grade knockoff Indy and not at all Giles-ish. How I still miss Buffy…)

One Response to “Wikipedia classified and silly TNT movies”

  1. George says:

    “How I still miss Buffy…)”
    Amen, sister.