
I’m back, at least for the time being. Things are still very far from all right, but the outlook is a little less dire than I initially feared. I’d still rather not talk about the situation; it’s in the category of "things that are too personal to share with the entire internet." I don’t want to post on as if nothing were the matter, either. But I’m also realizing that I need to find ways to feel "normal," and writing has always helped with that. (That, and I missed you guys!) So: more posts to follow before long.

8 Responses to “Update”

  1. yami says:

    Well then – health and happiness to all involved, peace to any for whom health and happiness are out of reach, and welcome back to you.

  2. cindy says:

    Welcome back, Amanda. I hope things work out.

  3. bitchphd says:

    I hope everything rights itself soon.

  4. tangognat says:

    Glad you’re back, and I hope that things get better…

  5. Clancy says:

    Also thinking of you and hoping everything works out.

  6. Amanda says:

    Thanks, y’all. Guarded optimism is the word of the day; hopefully it will eventually give way to less guarded optimism.

  7. Rana says:

    I’m glad you’re back, too. Here’s hoping the situation gets better.