Delurk, delurk, wherever you are

I didn’t realize it was National De-Lurking Week until today. (It’s the
first week of Drexel’s winter term, and I had classes tonight and yesterday night. Consider this post a stand-in for the writing I’d be doing if I weren’t also printing out articles and scrambling for textbooks.) So, those of you
who’ve been lurking, feel free to de-lurk in the comments and say
hello! If you want to, of course. An inveterate lurker myself, I won’t
be offended if you want to keep mum.

6 Responses to “Delurk, delurk, wherever you are”

  1. Jonathan says:

    Did you see this?,,25342-2552013,00.html

  2. Amanda says:

    No, I didn’t — wow, thanks!

  3. brd says:

    De-lurking, I ask: Are you planning to see Porgy and Bess?

  4. Amanda says:

    Haven’t made up my mind yet. But I’m definitely going to see Falstaff.

  5. brd says:

    Falstaff is not one of my personal favorites, but worth seeing, I’m sure. The selection this year isn’t terrific. Are there still two opera companies in Philly or have they merged into one?

  6. Amanda says:

    The Opera Company of Philadelphia is the main one, but there are one or two smaller ones. Apparently it merged with the Lyric Opera a while back.