Answers to the last lines meme

Herewith, the answers to the Seven Last Lines meme:

  1. Edith Wharton, “Roman Fever” (guessed by Dorothea)
  2. John Milton, Paradise Lost (guessed by brd)
  3. Arthur C. Clarke, “The Nine Billion Names of God” (guessed by Mike)
  4. Sir Philip Sidney, Astrophil and Stella 45 (“Stella oft sees the very face of woe”) (the only unguessed one)
  5. James Joyce, “The Dead” (guessed by Mike)
  6. J.R.R. Tolkien, The Return of the King (guessed by Dorothea)
  7. Wallace Stevens, “Final Soliloquy of the Interior Paramour” (guessed by Hank)

Thanks to everyone who guessed! I hope you guys had as much fun with it as I did. And feel free to appropriate, if you’re so inclined. Meanwhile, go look at Mike’s version.

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