‘Tis the season, not just for a deluge of forced consumerism and overplayed Christmas music in every public space, but for cold and darkness and, traditionally, for sitting around the fire and scaring the living daylights out of each other with creepy stories. And since supernatural things have been on my mind a lot lately (I […]
Displaying the most recent of 34 posts written by
I r srs librarian. This r serious site. (A meta-post)
By Amanda on November 10th, 2011
Those of you who are still subscribed to my RSS feed have, I’m sure, noticed a lack of bloggage here lately. Something about moving to a Domain of My Own, and putting it next to my professional portfolio, has made me slightly paranoid about writing anything in this space that might make me look unprofessional. […]
She refused to be bored, chiefly because she wasn’t boring.
By Amanda on September 6th, 2011
The other day I came across a blog post by Russell M. Davies* on “How to be interesting.” It’s written for people in the business world, but it could apply to anyone, really. I entirely agree with him that it’s hard to be interesting if you’re bored with everything: The way to be interesting is […]
New location!
By Amanda on August 21st, 2011
Hello to everyone who used to read this blog at Typepad! I’ll be posting here from now on.