They’ll overturn Roe v. Wade over my cold, furious, dead body.

Oh, crap. We knew about the likelihood of Rehnquist’s stepping down soon, but O’Connor too? Two empty spots on the Supreme Court open for nominees who’ll want to overturn Roe v. Wade? Goddamn it.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: if abortion becomes illegal again, women are going to die. Poorer women will be the worst off, especially women who live in states where schools aren’t allowed to teach accurate information about birth control, and where pharmacists feel free to make it as difficult as possible for them to keep from getting pregnant in the first place. (You would think that anyone who doesn’t want to see abortions happen would work extra hard to ensure universal, easy, affordable access to a wide variety of birth control methods. Instead, the same people who don’t consider women responsible enough to make their own reproductive decisions seem hell-bent on causing unwanted pregnancies by making birth control harder to get and harder to learn about. Anyone who thinks it isn’t about controlling women is hereby invited to explain this particular paradox.)

I just e-mailed my Senators. I’m making a donation to NARAL and considering becoming a Planned Parenthood volunteer. Please consider doing something similar.

[Updated to add: Comments Nyarly, of Nyarlathotep’s Miscellany:

It’s like imagining how you’d commentate the last moments of the
apocalypse: “Yes, now it appears there is a… beast of some kind,
that’s really the best I can describe it, it’s kind of, I don’t know, slouching toward Bethlehem.  Very beasty.  Um.”

My thoughts exactly.]

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