Short bits

Apologies for my lack of recent bloggage. I’ve been busy with various projects, trying to get a head start on the reading for my Drexel classes, and sniffling from the pollen in the air. Ah, fall. And thanks to all of the above, my mind’s completely scattered. So here are a few shards.

On the to-read list: William Gibson, Spook Country (I finally read its precursor, Pattern Recognition); Alex Wright, Glut: Mastering Information through the Ages; Junot Díaz, The Brief and Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao; and I’m slowly getting back into Henry James’s The Golden Bowl, which I started reading ages ago and then put down. James’s sentences are a kind of antidote to fall-induced attention deficits.

On the to-cook list: butternut squash soup, lamb stew, and (made last weekend) Concord grape pie, which I highly recommend to all.

Best thing about this time of year: startlingly painterly light on the banks of the Schuylkill as the train approaches 30th Street Station, making it look almost pastoral (for a moment or two, anyway). That, and finally wearing long sleeves again.

And I missed it yesterday, but: yarrrrr!

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